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Posted on 10/22/13 by: richard stenzski
Title: owner operator murphy trucking
Comments: Place smells like a septic system backing up food is poor quality and when I approached the owner Tom Nyguen he told me he was selling out and could care less about Banning Junction and that its going out f business and told me to go somewhere else

Posted on 11/10/12 by: bob hoel
Title: professional marketer
Comments: I have been at Banning Junction many times. it was a great place 4 years ago now i wouldnt waste my time stopping there, reasons outdated product, poor customer service lousy food not enough of it. pure recommendation go somewhere else.. i interviewed many truckers and Banning is going down quickly. Local townsfolk complain about high prices and gas is watered down by the owner, i beleieve he is Vietnamese however just stay away you heard it from a profeesional