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just a line seperator
Posted on 06/11/13 by: Jerry
Title: Driver
Comments: Don't come here, bugs.....holes in the walls....crap on the floors...no showers anyone would ever think about using...no laundry....no toilet paper and that's because they wipe with their hands. The rag heads don't ask for money to park but their gang banger looking employee that comes banging on your door at 11pm at night does....stay clear from this place.

Posted on 05/17/13 by: Driver
Comments: This place is like the 3rd world. There is a $10 charge for parking per 24 hour period. The showers were the most disgusting I have ever seen - holes in the walls, urine stains and hair on the toilet, stained, discolored floors and walls - never seen such filth at a truck stop.

Posted on 02/04/13 by: DD
Title: Driver
Comments: The employees here are extremely rude. They charge $10 to park at this dump but don't bother to tell you that until 11:30 at night when they come banging on your door. Then rather than just selling you a permit when they wake you up they make you walk all the way inside